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A Study on the Relationships between Style of Career Anchors and Job Satisfaction of Real Estate Salesmen

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 广州大学教育学院

出  处: 《文山学院学报》 2013年第3期72-77,共6页

摘  要: 在Schein职业锚理论的基础上,以房产销售人员为对象,探索职业锚的特征、职业锚与工作满意度的关系以及中介变量。结果显示,房产销售人员的主要职业锚类型是挑战型、创业型和服务型;房产销售人员对同事关系的满意度最高,其次为晋升机会,满意度较低的是报酬;三种主要职业锚类型的房产销售人员的工作满意度水平较高;性别、婚姻状况、年龄阶段、工作年限、学历层次、企业/公司规模等对职业锚类型和工作满意度的各个维度存在不同的影响。研究表明,"关系"是职业锚与满意度的中介变量。 Based on Schein's Career anchors theory, this-study takes the real estate salesmen as a sample to explore the character of Career anchors, the relationships between job satisfaction and career anchors and intervening variable. The result shows that the style of real estate salesmen's career anchors are the challenging, the entrepreneurial creativity, and the service-oriented. Real estate salesmen are satisfied with colleagues' relationships most, and then promotion opportunities, remuneration is the least satisfied. The three main Career anchors styles of real estate salesmen achieve high degree of Job satisfaction. Gender, married condition, age, working years, the educational level, enterprise/company scale have an effect on each dimension of Career anchor and Job satisfaction. The study shows that "guanxi" is the intervening variable beween career anchor and job satisfaction.

关 键 词: 职业锚 工作满意度 路径分析 房产销售人员

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 俞园
作者 孟彩
作者 潘琦华
作者 蔡韶娜
作者 肖汉群


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟