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Exciting the Right Temporo-Parietal Junction with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Influences Moral Intention Processing

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 浙江理工大学理学院心理学系

出  处: 《心理学报》 2013年第9期1004-1014,共11页

摘  要: 对行为意图的理解是人类进行道德判断的重要依据,大量研究表明,右侧颞顶联合区是意图加工的关键脑区。为考察该脑区在道德判断中的重要作用,采用经颅直流电刺激技术阳极刺激右侧颞顶联合区,探讨促进该脑区的活动对被试在道德判断中意图及相关信息加工的影响。结果发现与假刺激条件相比,阳极刺激后道德判断反应时显著延长,在伤人未遂和意外伤人条件下差异显著,证明促进右侧颞顶联合区的激活能影响道德判断中的意图加工,尤其在意图与结果产生冲突的条件下效应更加显著。 When we evaluate the moral status of an action,we consider not only its consequences but also the beliefs and intentions of the actor,which relies on the capacity to infer others' mental states.Functional MRI studies showed that the right temporo-parietal junction(RTPJ) is the critical brain region for understanding others' mental states.Previous studies have found that the role of intention processing in moral judgment was reduced by disrupting the RTPJ with transcranial magnetic stimulation(TMS).In the current study,we enhanced the role of intention processing in moral judgment with the transcranial direct current sitmulation(tDCS),a painless,non-invasive brain stimulation technique that allows us to induce polarity-specific excitability changes in the human brain.Many tDCS studies have confirmed the anodal excitation effect for cognitive functions.However,so far,limited work has been done to explore the tDCS effect on social cognitive function such as moral judgment.Therefore,the present study aims to investigate the anodal excitation effect of tDCS on moral judgment.We hypothesize that exciting the neural activity of RTPJ with anodal tDCS could enhance the role of intention processing in moral judgment.To test our hypothesis,18 healthy college students were recruited to participate in the study.All subjects underwent two tDCS sessions(anodal and sham tDCS) in random order and counterbalanced across subjects on 2 separate days with 1 week interval between both stimulations.We applied anodal(1.5mA,20 min) and sham tDCS(1.5mA,15 sec) on the RTPJ while subjects were introduced to keep a resting state.After stimulation,subjects read stories in a 2(intention: negative vs.neutral) × 2(outcome: negative vs.neutral) design and were asked to make moral judgment about how much blame the actor deserves.We analyzed the moral evaluation score and reaction time by a 2(intention) × 2(outcome) × 2(tDCS: anodal,sham) repeated measures ANOVA.Results showed that actors wit

关 键 词: 道德判断 意图 结果 右侧颞顶联合区 经颅直流电刺激

领  域: [哲学宗教] [哲学宗教] [哲学宗教]


作者 谢朝群
作者 周珮
作者 桂永霞
作者 何杨
作者 汪晶


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学国际商务英语学院
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院


作者 张玉普
作者 张蕾蕾
作者 张馨文
作者 徐敏
作者 施群丽