机构地区: 广东省水利水电科学研究院
出 处: 《水利学报》 2013年第9期1124-1129,共6页
摘 要: 电站取水口复杂冲沙廊道系统的冲沙孔孔前漏斗范围往往随冲沙流量增加而增大,但相应地,冲沙孔与廊道连接过渡段的压力则迅速减小,并出现较大负压,简单的调度运行方式很难使这种复杂冲沙廊道的压力特性及冲沙漏斗范围均达到较佳,必须进行调度方式的优化研究才能达到此目的。本文采用数值模拟的方法研究了大渡河龙头石水电站取水口冲沙廊道系统的最优运行方式,结果表明,通过改变冲沙孔运行方式,冲沙漏斗范围及冲沙系统压力特性这两个目标可同时达到较优的效果,对类似的取水口冲沙系统运行方式拟定具有重要工程价值和科学意义。 Complex sand-flushing system results in the disproportion of discharge through each outlet and the disparity of each funnel range. Simultaneously, hydraulic characteristics in connection part between sand-discharging outlet and the gallery are very complicated. Therefore, it is very difficult to achieve the wide funnel range and the good pressure characteristic at the same time by the simple operation schemes while keeping the form of sand-flushing structure. Based on hydraulic model test of sand-flushing system in the intakes of Longtoushi hydropower station in the Dadu River, operation schemes were studied by nu- merical simulation method. The results revealed that the funnel range can be wide and pressure characteris- tic can be good by means of changing operation scheme of the sand flushing system, which has important engineering and economic impacts on operation scheme design for similar sand-flushing system of water in- take.
关 键 词: 复杂冲沙廊道 冲沙漏斗 压力特性 数值模拟 运行方式
领 域: [水利工程]