机构地区: 广东工业大学信息工程学院
出 处: 《电子技术应用》 2013年第10期127-129,132,共4页
摘 要: 开发了基于Android平台医护手持平板查房系统,该系统在Eclipse集成开发环境下使用Android软件开发工具,实现了护士查询病人的基本信息、病情记录、健康评测记录等功能。也允许对病人的信息进行编辑并保存到服务器,及对病人定期进行健康评测并保存结果到服务器。该应用程序是Java语言开发的,根据需求给出了系统的功能模块划分和用例分析,并且完成了模拟器的测试。 The authors has developed the application of nurse handheld tablet for patient rounds on Android platform.This application,developed on Android SDK and Eclipse IDE,is available in querying the basic information of the patient,the illness records,health status evaluation and other functions.Also allows the nurse to edit the patient's information and save to the server.At the same time,the nurse can measure health status periodically on patients and save the results to the server.The application was developed in the Java language.According to the requirements,the system functions models and cases analysis were given,and worked as expected on the emulator.
领 域: [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术]