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An Empirical Analysis of Energy Efficiency in Industrial Sector of Hainan Province

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 海南大学经济与管理学院

出  处: 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第7期29-34,共6页

摘  要: 文章以海南省为研究对象,基于2005-2011年间18市县工业行业投入产出的面板数据,利用DEA方法,测算了各地区工业的全要素能源效率,并估计出相对的"节能潜力",主要结论如下:一是在海南省18市县中,五指山市、儋州市和保亭县工业的全要素能源效率最高,海口市、澄迈县和白沙县紧随其后,其余12个市县距离前沿较远;二是东方市、三亚市、昌江县和万宁市工业生产的节能潜力很大,累计可节约的能源约占总节约能源的70%左右;三是2011年的节能潜力达到最大,由于效率损失导致浪费的能源占当年海南省工业能源投入的48.56%,其余各年份由于管理、配置和规模无效率等因素导致的无谓能源损耗均在29%以上,且有上升趋势。这一研究的政策启示在于:优先从节能潜力比较大的地区入手进行节能降耗;加快制定和完善节能政策和环境政策,加强高能耗高污染项目的监督和管理;强化技术创新,落实节能减排和新能源技术的开发等。 By using the panel data of industrial energy consumption in Hainan during 2005-2011 as samples and employing DEA, we measure the industrial total factor energy efficiency and estimate the relative energy-savingpotential. As shown by the study, firstly, the industrial total factor energy efficiency of Wuzhishan City, Danzhou City and Baoting County are the highest, followed by Haikou City, Chengmai County and Baisha County; whereas the rest 12 cities and counties are somewhat far behind; secondly, there are great energy-saving potentials in the industrial production of Dongfang City, Sanya City, Changjiang County and Wanning City, whose accumulative savings of energy account for about 70% of the total energy conservation ; thirdly, the year 2011 saw the maximal energy-saving potential, and energy wasted took up 48.56% of the total industrial energy input due to the efficiency loss; while other years witnessed a more-than-29% unnecessary energy loss and an increasing trend owing to such factors as management, configuration and size inefficiency, etc. Therefore, priority must be given to better industrial energy efficiency in Hainan so as to execute energy-saving and consumption reduction in some areas with more energy-saving potentials, to speed up the formulation and improvement of the energy-saving policy and environment policy, to intensify supervision over and management of high energy consumption and high pollution projects, to strengthen technology and innovation, to implement energy-saving and emission-reduction measures, and to develop new-energy technology, etc.

关 键 词: 海南省 工业行业 能源效率 节能潜力

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 张玮琪
作者 章荣兵
作者 徐凌燕
作者 程荃
作者 曹翠


机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟