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Application of satellite remote sensing technology in earthquake disaster reduction

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 哈尔滨工业大学

出  处: 《自然灾害学报》 2000年第4期1-8,共8页

摘  要: 卫星遥感技术在减轻自然灾害中发挥了十分重要的作用,但也不得不指出,卫星遥感技术在防震减灾工作中,无论在国内或国外均尚未得到有效的应用。这一方面固然是由于地震事件十分复杂,地震孕育和发生的规律尚未搞清,难以发挥卫星遥感技术的作用;另一方面也由于可以使用的卫星遥感技术的分辨率还不够高,重复观察的周期长,限制了这一技术在防震减灾工作中的应用。有鉴于近年来卫星遥感技术有了新的进展,使其有可能在防震减灾中发挥特殊的作用,本文旨在对卫星遥感技术在防震减灾工作的应用,对它的可行性、有效性、经济性和与此相关的科学技术问题进行探讨,使这项技术能在防震减灾领域早日得到应用,以促进我国防震减灾工作的发展。 With the rapid development of satellite remote sensing technology, it has been widely applied in national economics and martial area, in particular, in the field of natural disaster reduction, for examples, in forecasting and controlling of flood, preventing of forest-fire, monitoring of landslide and debris flow and so on. Regretfully, as we understand the satellite remote sensing technology are rarely applied both at home and abroad for earthquake disaster reduction. It is because that on the one side, earthquake is a very complicated natural phenomenon with its indistinct genesis mechanism and occurrence of very low probability and oil the other side, the resolution of satellite remote sensing image is too low and satellite repeat period is too long that constrain this technique to be used in earthquake disaster reduction. This paper intends to address the application, practicability and other relative scientific-technical and economic issues, of satellite remote sensing technology in reducing earthquake disaster, it is believed that the earlier use of satellite remote sensing technology in China will provide a more effective and economic vehicle to minimize the future earthquake losses and also successful experiences to the world communities.

关 键 词: 防震减灾 卫星遥感 小卫星 震害评估 干涉雷达

领  域: [天文地球] [天文地球] [天文地球] [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术]


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