机构地区: 浙江工商大学工商管理学院
出 处: 《商业研究》 2013年第9期16-26,共11页
摘 要: 近些年有关商业模式研究的文献逐渐增多,但是多偏向于特定主题的定性分析,以宏观视角回顾的文献相当有限。因此,本文采用文献计量分析方法,针对商业模式研究领域的整体发展脉络进行分类整合,试图通过梳理商业模式研究的阶段特征和知识架构,以期为该领域未来研究方向选择以启示。研究发现:现有商业模式研究可分为电子商务、战略、组织和创新四个领域,其研究大致经历了萌芽阶段、电子商务阶段、质疑阶段、战略和组织应用阶段以及创新应用阶段。 Most business model literature focus on qualitative analysis of specific topics rather than on summarization of previous published studies on a given issue. Therefore, we conduct a study to summarize the whole development process of business model with Bibliometric Analysis method, trying to by teasing the stage characteristics and knowledge struc- ture of business model to provide enlightenment for the future research direction choice in this field. Finally, we get the following conclusions : Business model knowledge is divided into four research fields, that is, e - business study, strate- gy study, organization study and innovation study; Accordingly, business model research has experienced the following phrases, that is, budding phrase, e -business model phrase, doubted phrase, strategy theory and organization theory applied phrase and innovation theory applied phrase.