机构地区: 华南师范大学政治与行政学院
出 处: 《佛山科学技术学院学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第4期36-40,共5页
摘 要: 从曾子的"吾日三省吾身"到李二曲的"悔过自新",我们可见儒家反省内求的思想在不断发展。过并非恶,不是先天,而是后天的。悔过与基督教的忏悔截然不同。基督教的忏悔突出人自身的罪,要人转向上帝,很"外向",而李二曲的悔过自新则要人回归完美的天性,很"内向"。儒家对人性的看法总体上是很乐观的,就算是性恶论者,对此仍然具有乐观性。儒家的省,针对的是"努力"问题,而不是"能力"问题。"省"是给人打气的,而不是让人泄气的。 We can see the development of Confucian thought of introspection trom Master zeng Zis saying of “Every day I examine myself on the three points” to Li Erqu's theory of “repenting and starting A- new”. Error, which is not born but acquired, differs from evil, and Confucian repentance differentiates completely from Christian Confession. Christian confession stresses much on people's original sin and tries to turn people to God while Li's theory calls for people to the perfect original nature of human be- ings and so it advocates self introspection. Generally, Confucian holds an optimistic attitude to human nature and it is even true for those who believe men are born to be evil. Confucian introspection aims at the issue of effort instead of capability, and thus“to introspect” is to encourage people rather than dis- courage them.
领 域: [哲学宗教]