机构地区: 华南农业大学农学院热带亚热带生态研究所
出 处: 《中国农史》 2013年第4期14-26,共13页
摘 要: 增城挂绿荔枝是享誉国内外的荔枝名种,清康熙年间就有"粤中荔枝挂绿为最,福州佳者尚未敌"的美誉。增城挂绿荔枝历时四百余年,由康熙年间的"数十百株",到目前仅剩西园挂绿一株。本文在前人研究基础上,综合历史文献与当代资料,对这一珍贵农业遗产做一个历史考述。 Kualu lychee of Zengcheng City has been widely known in the world. During the Qing Emperor Kangxi years, it was acknowledged as the best lychee in Guangdong area by compared with the best one in Fujian. Kualu lychee had a cultivation history of more than four hundred years. There were several hundred Kualu trees in Kangxi era, but only one tree in Xiyuan at present. Based on previous studies, this paper synthesized the relevant historical documents and contemporary materials, and made a textual research on Kualu lychee of Zengcheng City.