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Morphology and motility on Hyriopsis schlegelii spermatozoa

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; (邱齐骏); (徐毛喜);

机构地区: 南昌大学生命科学学院生物科学系

出  处: 《南昌大学学报(理科版)》 2013年第3期259-261,271,共4页

摘  要: 池蝶蚌精子具有子弹形头部及细长均匀鞭毛尾,属鞭毛型。全长为254.91±20.03μm;头部子弹形,长为32.33±2.15μm,宽为16.60±3.29μm;鞭毛细长均匀,长为216.67±19.73μm。为了更好的计算池蝶蚌精子的存活率,本研究采用曙红Y染色的方法,观察了精子在生理盐水、池塘水和蒸馏水中的存活时间及运动方式。结果显示,精子在生理盐水中的存活时间最长,可达6h;其次是蒸馏水,约为4.5h;最短存活时间是在池塘水中,约为4.0h。池蝶蚌精子的主要运动方式有快速直线游动、弧线运动和原地转动3种方式。快速直线游动的精子活力最高,其次是弧线运动,精子活力降低后进行原地转动。研究的结果对池蝶蚌家系的建立起重要作用。 In the current study,the movement and survival time of the sperms from Hyriopsis schlegelii in three kinds of solution were investigated by using a eosin-Y dye method.It was observed that the sperm had a bullet-shaped head and a flagella tail,the overall length was 254.91± 20.03μm,the head length was 32.33±2.15μm,the head width was 16.60±3.29μm and the length of the flagella was about 216.67±≈19.73 μm.The longest survival time of the sperms was 6 h in the normal saline,whereas the shortest time was in pond water,being about 4.5h.There were three cases on the motion modes of sperm:fast linear motion,curved rotation and swaying movement.There results were very important for us to determine the establishing families from Hyriopsis schlegelii.

关 键 词: 池蝶蚌 曙红 染色 精子存活率 精子活力

领  域: [生物学]




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