机构地区: 广西财经学院
出 处: 《贵州财经大学学报》 2013年第5期42-45,共4页
摘 要: 基于2002年以来中国统计数据的实证结果表明,税收结构与产出缺口之间不仅具备协整关系,而且还存在着非对称的反馈效应,产出缺口对税收结构的影响力相对更大一些。倘若全国统一实施营业税改征增值税,那么大部分的政策效果可能在50-60个月内发挥出来。在最初的7-8个月时间里,政府需要提前做好逆周期的宏观调控预案,尤其是要采取适当措施抑制过度乐观的情绪。另外,现阶段营业税改增值税改革需要循序渐进,逐步增加试点地区,政策推广不宜一步到位,否则,容易诱发宏观经济的较大波动。 Empirical analysis based on Chinese data shows that cointegration and asymmetric feedback effect exist between tax structure and output gap which casts greater influence on tax structure, not the other way around. Most of policy effect exudes within 50 - 60 months if business tax replaced by value - added tax immediately. And government should formulate counter - cyclical macroeconomic policy and especially control excessive optimism within the first 7 - 8 months. In addition, reform should go step by step and increase pilot areas gradually at the present stage. Otherwise economic fluctuation occurs.
领 域: [经济管理]