机构地区: 西南农业大学食品科学学院
出 处: 《中国蔬菜》 2000年第4期6-9,共4页
摘 要: 以青花菜为材料 ,研究了 0 .0 3mmPE膜包装条件下 ,不同贮藏温度对青花菜品质的影响。结果表明 ,16℃下青花菜极不耐贮 ,迅速衰老失绿转黄 ,失水萎蔫 ,品质劣变。采后第 3天 ,黄化率达 5.0 % ,失重 12 .2 % ,切口软腐 ,异味严重 ,基本丧失商品价值。冷藏 (0℃ ,5℃ )均能延缓衰老 ,提高耐贮性。 5℃下青花菜的商品贮藏期为 2 4d(天 ) ,0℃下青花菜贮期可达 30d(天 )。且 0℃对叶绿素、VC等品质指标的保持效果均优于 5℃ 。 The effects of storage temperatures on the qualities of broccoli ( Brassica oleracea. var. italica P.) packaged with 0.03mm PE were studied. The results showed that the senescence of broccoli stored at 16℃ was very fast;the content of total soluble protein,total acids,vitamin C and chlorophyll decreased rapidly;on the 3rd day of storage,the yellowing rate was 5.0%,weight loss was 12.2% and the broccoli almost lost eating quality. However,the senescence of broccoli stored at 0℃ and 5℃ was delayed and the storage life was 30d and 24d respectively.