机构地区: 仲恺农业工程学院
出 处: 《湖北农业科学》 2013年第15期3492-3495,共4页
摘 要: 选用雄穗分枝数有显著差异的甜玉米自交系T14和T4为亲本配制杂交组合,以330个F2单株为作图群体,用复合区间作图法在玉米全基因组上检测控制雄穗分枝数的QTL。结果显示,在F2群体中检测到6个雄穗分枝数QTLs,位于玉米第2、4、9染色体上,对表型的贡献率为5.0%~17.4%;在F2∶3群体中检测到8个与甜玉米雄穗分枝数相关的QTLs,分别位于玉米第2、3、4、8染色体上,对表型的贡献率为3.5%~13.6%;对比F2和F2∶3的定位结果,挖掘到3个在两世代中表现稳定一致的QTLs,分别位于第2、4染色体上。 Cross combination was designed with two sweet corn inbred (T14 and T4) significantly different in tassel primary branch number (TPBN). Using 330 F2 individuals as genetic mapping population, quantitative trait locus (QTL) screening in whole corn genome was conducted with the method of multiple interval mapping (CIM). The result indicated that 6 QTLs in chromosome 2, 4, 9 were screened, explaining 5.0%-17.4% of observed phenotypes; while 8 QTLs in chromosome 2, 3, 4, 8 were screened correlating with TPBN in F2:3 population, explaining and 3.5%-13.6% of observed phenotypes. Furthermore, 3 QTLs in chromosome 2, 4 were consistent between F2 and F2:3 families.