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Preliminary Study on Breeding and Management of Naked Mole Rat in An Artificial Environment

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 第二军医大学

出  处: 《实验动物与比较医学》 2013年第4期296-300,共5页

摘  要: 目的探索裸鼹鼠的人工饲养和繁育方法。方法在科学的饲养管理和适宜的饲养环境下,采用全同胞兄妹交配的方法,观察统计裸鼹鼠的妊娠率、胎间隔、窝产仔数、离乳数和成活率。结果通过7对裸鼹鼠的繁育观察,表明裸鼹鼠能适应人工环境。雌雄鼠初次交配年龄为8~12月龄,第1胎妊娠率为71.43%;5只母鼠第1胎平均产仔数9.20±3.90只/窝,离乳数7.60±5.03只/窝,成活率为75.10%±42.49%;第2胎胎间隔89.00±19.53d、产仔数9.60±5.68只/窝、离乳数6.20±4.09只/窝,成活率为74.33%±34.19%;第3胎胎间隔99.60±17.17d、产仔数12.40±4.77只/窝、离乳数10.00±3.08只/窝,成活率为82.91%±16.70%。结论裸鼹鼠在人工环境适应后,繁殖性能大大提高,可以培育出实验动物化的裸鼹鼠。 Objective To explore the methods of breeding and feeding of naked mole rat. Methods The pregnancy rate, fetal interval, litter size, number of weaning and survival of naked mole rat with the generation of full-sib mating were studied under suitable feeding and management condition. Results Naked mole rat can be adapt in an artificial environment through seven pairs of naked mole rat breeding. Female naked mole rats were caged with males at 8-12 months of age. The rate of first pregnancy was 71.43%. The litter size of first-born of five female naked mole rats was 9.20 ± 3.90. The weaning rate was 7.60 ± 5.03 with survival rate 75.10% ± 42.49%. The second births have totally 5 litters with the birth interval 89.00 ± 19.53 days and litter size 9.60 ±5.68. The weaning rate was 6.20 ± 4.09 with survival rate 74.33% ± 34.19%. The third births have totally 5 litters with the birth interval 99.60 ± 17.17 days and litter size survival rate 82.91% ± 16.70%. Conclusion 12.40 ± 4.77. The weaning rate was 10.00 ± 3.08 with It was possible to establish the conventional naked mole-rat in laboratory.

关 键 词: 裸鼹鼠 人工环境 饲养 繁育

领  域: [生物学]


作者 张谷兰
作者 颜川梅


机构 汕头大学
机构 中山大学地理科学与规划学院城市与区域研究中心
机构 中山大学资讯管理学院资讯管理系
机构 韶关学院体育学院体育系


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作者 徐松林
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