机构地区: 华南农业大学外国语学院
出 处: 《河北农业大学学报(农林教育版)》 2013年第4期117-122,共6页
摘 要: 本研究基于湿认知理论关于人类情感的分类,探讨研究生在英语阅读中有效激活认知图式的问题。采用阅读测试与心理测试相结合的实证方法,研究硕士研究生的情感因素对英语阅读质量的影响。研究发现,情感因素中的短期情感——情绪,与阅读质量有明显的相关性;而情感的另一组成部分——长期和稳定的感情,则对阅读质量无显著影响。因此,阅读者的情绪是激活其认知图式的关键。然而,传统的阅读教学所培养的策略与人的长期感情相关,而非短期的情绪。因此本研究提出,研究生英语阅读教学应该加强短时应急的策略指导。 This research studies the effective activation of cognitive schema for graduates in English Reading with the theory of Wet Cognitive Science (WCS). An empirical research was conducted about the impacts of readers ~ affective factors on the quality of comprehension. It is found that readers~ emotions--a temporary feeling, have an explicit relevance with their com- prehension, while their long-term and stable feelings have little impact on the comprehension. Therefore, readers~ emotions are critical affective factors which effectively activate their cogni- tive schema. However, the second language teaching for reading has traditionally focused on skills and strategies related to human long-term feelings rather than short-term emotions. It is suggested that English Reading teaching for postgraduates should accentuate on the training of emergency strategies.
关 键 词: 湿认知理论 研究生英语教学 阅读策略 情感因素
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