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基于Direct3D 10的粒子系统的烟花效果
Firework Effect of Particle System Based on Direct3D 10

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 深圳信息职业技术学院

出  处: 《计算机技术与发展》 2013年第9期241-244,共4页

摘  要: 粒子系统是3D技术中模拟不规则运动物体的一种有效方法。为了模拟出具有实时性和逼真效果的烟花,文中利用硬件加速绘制技术和粒子系统进行烟花模拟,在Direct3D 10的着色器中实现粒子系统的类型变换和属性更新过程。利用几何着色器、流输出、实例化和布告栏等技术,结合曲线数学模型,使用两个technique,分别用于更新粒子系统并进行流输出处理和用于绘制粒子系统到屏幕,模拟出具有三叶草、四叶草和8字形等不同形状及这些形状叠加效果的烟花。实验表明,该方法达到了实时性要求。 Particle system is an effective method in irregular moving object simulation in 3D technology. In order to simulate real time and realistic fireworks effect, firework simulation is realized by using hardware accelerated rendering technology and particle system. The type and attribute ahemation of particle system is finished in Direct3 D 10 shader. Using the technology of geometry shader, stream output, in- stancing and billboard, combined with the mathematical curve models, through two technique, one for updating and stream output of parti- cle, the other for rendering particle, the firework is realized with various of shapes such as clover-shaped, four-leaf-shaped, 8- shaped and the blended effect. Examples illustrate that the method can meet the requirement of real time.

关 键 词: 粒子系统 几何着色器 实例化

领  域: [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术]


作者 邱晴


机构 中山大学外国语学院


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