机构地区: 华南热带农业大学工学院
出 处: 《热带作物学报》 2000年第1期15-19,共5页
摘 要: 以环氧化天然胶乳(ENRL)作为陶土的改性剂。采用IR并结合胶含量、表现交联密度、界面作用强度表征值、蠕变和力学性能测定,研究了ENRL对陶土的改性作用及其对天然橡胶硫化胶性能的影响。结果表明,ENRL对陶土具有较好的改性效果。环氧化程度较高的ENRL,最适宜用量较低;环氧化程度较低的ENRL,最适宜用量较高。ENR15为17.5%ENR25为15%ENR35为12.5%,ENR45为10%。以最适宜用量的ENRL对陶土的改性效果以ENR25较好,ENR15、ENR35次之,ENR45较差。 Clay was modified by ENRL.The modification of clay with ENRL and the effects of modified clay on NR vulcanizates were studied through IR and determination of the bound rubber content, the apparent crosslink density, the interfacial tension, the creep and the mechanical properties of vulcanizates. The results showed that ENRL modified clay had very good effects on NR vulcanizates. The higher the epoxidized extent of ENRL was, the lower the opportune ratio of ENRL was. For example, ENR1s was 17.5 %, ENR25 was 15 %, ENR35 was 12.5 %, ENR45 was 10 %. As for the modified result of the opportune ratio of ENRL was, ENR25 was best, followed by ENR15 and ENR35, and ENR45 was rela tively Poor.