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The Empirical Study on Total Factor Productivity by Considering Carbon Emission and its influence factors——In Case of Guangdong's Industries

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 暨南大学经济学院

出  处: 《产业经济研究》 2013年第5期45-53,共9页

摘  要: 本文运用Malmquist-Luenberger生产率指数,估算并比较了广东省36个工业行业考虑CO2排放的全要素生产率(TFP)和传统生产率;在此基础上对影响全要素生产率的因素进行了实证分析。研究发现:(1)将CO2排放作为非期望产出估算的TFP低于传统生产率估算结果,技术进步是其增长的主要源泉;(2)考虑CO2排放对高能耗、密集排放行业的TFP冲击很大,其生产率较低且对实际工业增加值贡献率也很低;但对高新技术产业的TFP影响不大,其生产率较高,对工业增加值贡献率亦高,且促进了广东整体工业TFP的提高;(3)行业开放度、外资的利用和行业平均工资与传统TFP存在正相关关系,行业结构与传统TFP负相关;(4)行业开放度、外资的利用和行业平均工资与考虑CO2排放的TFP为正相关关系,而能源消费结构与考虑CO2排放的TFP负相关。因此,实现产业结构转型升级,优化能源消费结构是提高全要素生产率、实现低碳发展的关键。 This paper utilizes Malmquist-Luenberger productivity index to estimate and analyze the TFP of 36 industrial sectors of Guangdong Province, both from aspects of traditional productivity and TFP by considering CO2 emission as unwanted output. On the basis of this, it does an empirical study on the factors affecting TFP. The results show that: 1. The TFP of considering CO2 emission as unwanted output is lower than the traditional productivity. Technological progress is the main source of TFP growth. 2. The TFP of considering CO2 emission as unwanted output has great impact on some of industries which are high energy consumption and emission-intensive; but small impact on some of high-tech industries with high contri- bution rates of the actual industrial added value, which promotes the overall industrial productivity of Guangdong Province. 3. Trade openness, foreign capital utilization and average wages have positive correlation with traditional TFP, while industrial structure is negatively correlated. 4. Trade openness, foreign capital utilization and average wages have positive correlation with The TFP of considering CO2 emissions, while energy consumption structure is negatively correlated. Therefore, pushing transformation of both industrial structure and consumption structure are the key ways to improve TFP and achieve a low-carbon sustainable development.

关 键 词: 全要素生产率 碳排放 方向性距离函数 指数 影响因素

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 覃伟芳
作者 刘光天
作者 朱宁
作者 熊美红
作者 简玲玲


机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟