作 者: ;
机构地区: 东莞理工学院政法学院
出 处: 《政法学刊》 2013年第1期63-67,共5页
摘 要: 产生于中世纪的英国衡平法地产权是英国财产法极具特色的制度安排。衡平法地产权经历了从对人权到对世权的演变之路:起初,衡平法法院在承认受托人普通法地产权人权利的基础上赋予衡平法权益人对受托人请求交付地产收益的相对性的权利,后来衡平法权益人的利益可以对抗除支付合理对价且善意受领普通法地产的第三人以外的任何人,成为真正对世权意义上的地产权。了解衡平法地产权之演变可以了解对人权与对世权对话与沟通,有助于各种财产权的权利性质的分析与把握。 Equity estate originated from Great Britain in Middle Ages is a special form of British estate law and has undergone the change from human rights to rights against all the world.At first the court of equity acknowledged the estate depository's right of common law and endowed the depository with rights of requesting the delivery of real estate income;later,equity estate became the real right against all the world.A thorough understanding of the evolution of equity estate can help grasp the nature of different kinds of estate rights.