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Molecular Mechanism of Rice Responses to Cadmium Stress

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国农业科学院中国水稻研究所

出  处: 《中国水稻科学》 2013年第5期539-544,共6页

摘  要: 镉是对环境毒性最大的重金属元素之一,对水稻等粮食作物的安全生产构成严重威胁。研究水稻镉积累的危害及其应答机制,具有重要的现实意义。镉胁迫下,水稻根系生长受阻、光合作用受抑制,但不同品种对镉的耐受性差异显著。基于品种间镉含量的遗传差异,在水稻7条染色体上均定位到与镉积累相关的QTL。此外,多种镉离子转运蛋白,如P1B型ATP酶、天然抗性相关巨噬细胞蛋白、阳离子扩散促进因子和ATP结合框转运蛋白等,被成功克隆并证实参与镉胁迫应答。有效利用这些抗性QTL或基因,是培育耐镉品种的关键。 Cadmium is one of the most toxic heavy metals in the environment, posing a serious threat to tood security and rice production. It has important practical significance to discuss accumulation of cadmium in rice and its response mechanism. Under cadmium stress, rice root growth is blocked, photosynthesis is decreased, but the resistance to cadmium greatly varies with rice varieties. Multiple QTLs associated with cadmium accumulation have been located to 7 chromosomes. Besides, various cadmium ion transporters, including P^-ATPases, natural resistance-associated macrophage proteins, cation diffusion facilitators, and ATP-binding Cassettes, are cloned and proved to involve in cadmium resistance. It's very important for breeding cadmium tolerant varieties to utilize the resistance genes.

关 键 词: 水稻 镉胁迫 转运蛋白

领  域: [生物学] [生物学]



机构 广东金融学院


作者 丁培强
作者 徐松林
作者 徐枫
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