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Seismic analysis and design for a SRC tube-in-tube structure in Lanzhou

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 浙江大学

出  处: 《建筑结构》 2013年第15期1-8,共8页

摘  要: 某综合办公楼地下2层,主楼地上46层,高度188m,主楼采用型钢混凝土筒中筒结构体系,内、外筒抗震等级均为特一级。南侧入口门厅4层通高,南侧外筒柱中部6跨层1~8为呈约11.8°角的外斜柱,并在层1~4抽除一根外筒中柱,在层5形成局部高位转换。主体结构抗震设计采用抗震性能化方法进行设计。采用SATWE,PMSAP,ETABS,MIDAS等多个计算软件对该结构体系进行整体及局部的计算和分析,包括多遇地震抗震分析及弹性时程分析、中震抗震分析、罕遇地震弹塑性静力推覆分析及弹塑性时程分析,各项计算结果能够满足规范的相应要求。整栋楼模拟地震振动台模型试验与底部斜柱及斜撑转换构件静力试验结果表明,设计能够达到预设的抗震设计性能目标,说明结构体系可行,结构构件选用合理。 The super high-rise SRC structural building in Lanzhou city is comprised by two levels of basement and 46 stories above grade with 188 meters hight. The main building is a SRC tube-in-tube structure. The classes of seismic measure of core tube is high-level grade. The south entrance hall is four layers high. The middle part of the south outer core tube is formed with batter posts same as 11.8~ in the l st-8th storeies. And one center column of outer core tube is removed in the lst-4tb storeies, and the part high-order transition exists in the fifth storey. The performance based seismic design of the main building was taken. SATWE, PMSAP, ETABS, MIDAS etc. analysis programs were taken use to calculation and analysis for the structure, including frequently occurred earthquake, precautionary earthquake, rare earthquake etc., whose results are suitable for the limits of the code. The test results of the seismic experiment and test of bottom batter post indicate that the performance based seismic design can be gotten, which show the structural system is workable and the select of the structural member is rational.

关 键 词: 高烈度 超高层建筑 斜撑转换 型钢混凝土结构 抗震试验 抗震性能化设计

领  域: [建筑科学] [建筑科学]




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