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Optimization of Shed Parameters of Polluted DC Post Composite Insulators Based on Finite Element Method

作  者: ; ; ; ; (刘芹);

机构地区: 华南理工大学电力学院

出  处: 《中国电机工程学报》 2013年第22期183-190,27,共8页

摘  要: 直流支柱绝缘子污闪问题比交流支柱绝缘子要严重,通过伞裙优化能够明显改善其污闪特性。该文借鉴人工污秽试验研究伞裙优化的成果,利用有限元法对染污直流支柱绝缘子建模,研究伞间距、大伞伸出和大小伞伸出差对绝缘子沿面电场分布的影响。提出以爬电距离和电场强度作为伞裙参数优化的判断依据,研究表明,电场强度分布随着伞裙参数的变化呈有规律变化:随着伞间距的增加,绝缘子沿面平均电场强度逐渐减小;随着大伞伸出的增加,绝缘子沿面平均电场强度逐渐增大;随大小伞伸出差增加,爬电系数单调减小,沿面平均电场强度呈振荡减小的趋势。通过比较分析得出支柱绝缘子伞裙较优的参数范围,为进行伞裙优化试验研究提出试品伞裙的建议参数。 The pollution flashover problem of DC post insulators is much more serious than that of AC post insulators.Sheds optimization can ameliorate the pollution flashover characteristic of DC post insulators.Based on the sheds optimization result of artificial pollution tests,this paper established polluted post insulators by finite element method and studied the electric field distribution along polluted insulators influenced by spacing between large sheds,overhang of the large shed and difference between overhangs of the large shed and small shed.The creepage distance and electric field were put forwards as the criterion to optimize the parameters of sheds.The results show that,as the spacing between large sheds increases,the average electric field of post insulators decreases gradually;as the overhang of the large shed increases,the average electric field of post insulators increase by degrees;as the difference between overhangs of the large shed and small shed increases,the creepage coefficient decreases monotonously,and the average electric field of post insulators is reduced and oscillated.Finally,advice parameters for follow-up researches on shed profile optimization of DC post insulators were put forwards.

关 键 词: 有限元法 染污直流支柱绝缘子 伞裙优化 电场分布

领  域: [电气工程] [一般工业技术]


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