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New method and application of three zone in mining overall height of thick coal seam in one times' working face

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国矿业大学北京资源与安全工程学院

出  处: 《辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第4期454-460,共7页

摘  要: 基于厚煤层一次采全高导水断裂带高度的确定.综合现有研究成果及相似模拟实验发现:工作面的开采范围影响上覆关键层的稳定性,而关键层的运动决定导水断裂带的高度,在关键层达到极限悬露步距之前,垮落带或者裂隙带的高度固定不变;当达到极限悬露步距后发生断裂,如果形成铰接结构,则关键层及其随动层属于裂隙带;反之,关键层及其随动层属于垮落带.在此基础上,提出以关键层理论划分采场导水断裂带的新方法,并给出适用条件.以补连塔31401工作面、潞安6202工作面以及柴沟1502工作面实际地质及回采条件为工程背景进行验证,发现一次采出煤层越厚,地质资料数据的精确性越高,新方法得到的数据越接近实测值,并且比《规程》计算结果更客观. Mining overall height of thick coal seam in one times,this paper studied on the method for determining the height of water conducting fractured zone.According to the previous research achievements and the results of the Simulated experiment,it can be deduced that the height of water conducting fractured zone is determined by the movement of the key stratums which is affected by mining space.The height of caving strap or crack strap keeps fixed before the key stratums reach its limit of the caving span.If the broken key stratums develop a hinge joint structure,the key stratums and its follow-up stratums belong to the crack strap;otherwise they belong to caving strap.Based on the above research conclusions,a new method according to the theory of key stratums of determining the height of water conducting fractured zone is obtained.It also gives out the correspondingly applicable conditions.Actual geological conditions and mining conditions of some working face such as Bulianta31401,Luan6202 and Chaigou1502 are applied to verify the objectivity of the new method.It can be found that the more precise the geological data and the higher the mining height,the closer the result of the new method comes to the measured value.The result seems to be more objectivity.

关 键 词: 厚煤层 导水断裂带 关键层 断裂 一次采全高 悬露步距 垮落带 裂隙带

领  域: [矿业工程] [矿业工程]




作者 范福军