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Etiology the surveillance and virulence of genotypeⅨ NDV strains isolated from wild birds in the Northern Qinling Mountains and Guanzhong areas

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 西北农林科技大学动物科技学院

出  处: 《中国兽医学报》 2013年第8期1163-1169,共7页

摘  要: 为评价秦岭北麓关中地区野鸟源基因Ⅸ型新城疫病毒(NDV)流行及毒力情况,对374份源于该区域健康野鸟的咽喉、泄殖腔拭子进行病毒分离与鉴定,并对NDV分离株进行生物学特征和遗传进化分析。结果共分离到5株野鸟源NDV(包括2株候鸟源),其致病指数MDT、ICPI、IVPI差异较大,分别为37.2~64.8h,0.425~1.638,2.04~2.76。F基因(535bp)推导氨基酸序列和同源性分析显示,5株NDV分离毒均具有强毒的融合(F)蛋白裂解位点^112R—R—Q-R—R—F^117,5株分离毒间同源性高达99.8%~100.0%。F基因高变区(42~420nt,374bp)分析显示5株分离毒均属于我国特有的基因Ⅸ型NDV,与我国早期的基因Ⅸ型NDV流行株F48E9亲缘关系很近(核苷酸同源性为99.4%~99.6%),而与La Sota和V4等传统疫苗株及目前家禽中流行基因Ⅶ型NDV毒株亲缘关系较远。本研究表明,健康野鸟为基因Ⅸ NDV的携带者,尽管首次获得的5株野鸟源基因Ⅸ型NDV毒株生物学特征差异较大,但均具有强毒的分子生物学特征及致病性,提示对周边环境和家禽养殖业存在潜在威胁。 This study aimed to evaluate the epidemiological status of genotype Ⅸ Newcastle disease virus(NDV) from healthy wild birds and virulence of isolates in the Northern Qinling Mountains and Guanzhong areas. Three hundred and seventy four larynx and cloaca swabs from healthy wild birds were used to isolate and identify genotype Ⅸ NDV. Five NDV isolates including two from migrants exhibited different pathogenicity indices,with MDT,ICPI and IVPI ranging 37.2-64.8 h, 0. 425-1. 638 and 2.04-2.76, respectively. Deduced amino acid sequences analysis of partial F gene (535 bp) revealed that all the five isolates shared common F protein cleavage site motif ^112R-R-Q- R-R-F^117 equivalent to virulent NDV,homology shared as high as 99.8%-100.0% each other. Phy-logenetie analysis based on variant region of F gene(42-420 nt,374 bp) revealed that all the five i-solates were clustered to genotype Ⅸ NDV,close to the Chinese early prevalent strain F48E9 (ho-mology 99.4%-99.60%) ,far from the traditional La Sota and V4 vaccine strains,or currently prev- alent genotype Ⅷ NDV in poultry. This study confirmed healthy wild birds were carrier of virulent genotype Ⅸ NDV,and the variant biological characteristics were displayed by the five isolates,of whieh virulent molecular characteristics and pathogenicity indicated great potential risk for the en-vironment and poultry industry.

关 键 词: 秦岭 野鸟 新城疫 毒力 基因 遗传进化分析

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 周孜正
作者 康佑发
作者 蒋风采
作者 周永卫
作者 何雪林


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 华南师范大学历史文化学院


作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 丁培强
作者 吴肖林