机构地区: 中国水产科学研究院黑龙江水产研究所
出 处: 《中国渔业经济》 2013年第4期138-145,共8页
摘 要: 咸水资源是国土资源的重要组成部分。我国内陆咸水资源主要分布于湖泊、泡沼和浅层地下水中,其中咸水湖泊、滨海区地下咸水贮量达5398亿m^3。此类水质多数不能用于工农业生产和人、畜饮用,长期处于荒弃状态。资料显示,一些成水水域中还生存着对盐碱具有极强耐受性的鱼类,这使咸水资源渔业综合开发利用成为可能。本文系统论述了我国内陆盐碱湖泊、地下咸水、盐碱化沼泽的分布、特征,分析了我国内陆盐碱水资源渔业开发利用的现状、主要经验和存在问题,并就我国内陆渔业利用盐碱水资源提出对策。 Brackish water (salt and salt-alkaline water) is the important part of territorial resources. It mainly distributes in northwestern plateau lakes, northeastern plain wetlands and underground of northern littoral region in our country, whose capacity of 539.8 billion m3. However, most of these brackish water resources were in abandoned and unmined status in a long term, because its bad water quality cannot satisfy the criteria for people and animal drinking, industry and agriculture production, etc. Despite these factors, many brackish lakes still support healthy fish populations, which make full of use brackish water resources as possible. This paper systematically describes and analyzes the distributions and characteristics of inland brackish lakes, wetlands and underground saltwater in China, and their present status in fisheries utilization. Based on the main experience and problems in fisheries utilization of brackish water resources, we offer a few practical strategies in future inland fisheries.
领 域: [经济管理]