作 者: ;
机构地区: 香港中文大学
出 处: 《世界建筑导报》 2013年第3期41-43,共3页
摘 要: 在前面的两篇文章中我们所讨论的主要是与绘画的平面空间相关的建筑空间知觉问题。经过上述的视觉之旅,假如你已经具备了一定的空间知觉能力,是不是我们就可以据此开始建筑空间的创作呢?我认为这还不足够。知觉可以使得你对空间变的敏感,看到以前不一定看得到的东西,但是建筑空间的创造还需要其他一些能力,比如"组织"这个能力。"组织"的定义是将事物以某种有序的方式安排在一起,形成一个整体。一栋建筑物要满足一定的使用要求通常需要大小不同的空间的协同作用,如何将这些空间有序地组合在一起,并形成一个整体,这就是组织的问题。我们这里所说的组织,当然与建筑的使用有一定的关系,但绝不是单纯的功能组织问题。 In this essay, Gu Daqing proposes eight strategies for organizing architectural spaces based on eight common strategies used by Abstract artists to arrange formal elements in pictorial space. A strategy not only refers to a specific operation, but also the graphic composition that results from this operation. Having named these by a set of verbs – to define, to divide, to occupy, to overlap, to superimpose, to juxtapose, to subtract, and to modulate, Gu Daqing then introduces an exercise which can help one to develop a sense of 'strategy'. The task is to create eight graphic compositions based on a given work from a master artist. The objective is to achieve the clarity of strategy and at the same time to express the visual connection between each strategic transformation and the original work. Gu Daqing concludes this essay by evaluating each of these strategies from the viewpoint of architectural design, with particular attention to identifying which strategies activate the element–space relationship. These strategies are defining, dividing, occupying, juxtaposing, subtracting, and modulating. Superimposing, also known as transparency, does not work as an independent strategy because it is a common quality in defining, occupying, and modulating. Overlapping, while useful in abstract art, is found to be less relevant to the issue of spatial organization in architectural design.
关 键 词: 空间组织 绘画 建筑空间 抽象 空间相关 协同作用 功能组织 知觉
领 域: [建筑科学]