作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东广播电视大学
出 处: 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2013年第4期126-131,共6页
摘 要: 盛唐诗坛虽然流派众多,然撇开各类题材诗歌的创作成就孰高孰低不论,仅就诗作对时代的反映面而言,冠者则非送别诗莫属,它折射时代人文风尚;唐人受魏晋名士的影响而把酒的地位捧得更高,诗酒之缘成为一种普遍的人文风尚,以酒饯别,借酒浇愁并表达对朋友的深情厚谊在盛唐文人中蔚然成风,它揭示时代社会现实;不少盛唐送别诗从某一侧面反映了当时的政治局势、军事状况、科举文化制度和睦邻友好关系,它体现时代文化思潮。盛唐社会文化形态开放活跃,儒道佛思想并存且相互渗透,绝大部分诗人的思想均呈现出比较复杂的倾向,这一特点也体现在盛唐送别诗的思想内涵中。 Many different varieties of poetry jostled for attention during the High Tang.The relative literary achievements of the different sub-genres aside,in terms of recapturing the historical times and cultural ethos in which the poems were composed,poems of farewell doubtless occupied a dominant position.Influenced by their predecessors in the Wei-Jin times,the High Tang poets exalt the status of wine to a height hitherto unknown.Drinking wine in the see-off parties and resorting to alcohol for expressing deep friendship was common practice amongst the High Tang literati.Many such see-off poems make allusions to international relations,civil service recruitment exams,and the political as well as military scenes of the time.They also embody prevalent and complex religious and political ideas such as Confucian and Buddhist notions.As such,the farewell poems manifested particular sophistication of thinking and richness.