机构地区: 韩山师范学院中文系
出 处: 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第4期89-94,共6页
摘 要: "饮冰子"是梁启超的笔名,表达了梁启超对国家忧虑焦灼的痛苦情绪;"火的冰的人"是鲁迅的自况,表达了鲁迅在绝望的冰谷中燃烧的悲壮情怀。如果用"饮冰"意象来形容梁启超创作中热烈而奔放的美学风格,那么,"死火"意象则最能体现鲁迅创作中的冷峻与悲凉。无论表现为"饮冰"还是"死火"的创作心境,其实都源自启蒙的焦虑。因此,"荷戟独彷徨"不再是单纯个体的寂寞与哀伤,而是表现了更深沉的忧患精神与进取意识,代表了这一过渡时期知识分子最具象征意义的精神姿态与文化心理。 Ice-drinker, Liang Qichao’s pseudonym, expresses his anxious and painful emotions to the country's affairs. Ice and fire, the state of Lu Xun,shows his tragic feelings in the despair. If the artistic mood of ice-drinking can describe Liang Qichao’s warm and imaginative aesthetic style in his creation, the image of fire and ice can best embody Lu Xun’s cold and desolate status in his creation. Both ice-drinker and dead fire are derived from the enlightenment anxiety. "Wandering alone holding the weapon" is not only a purely individual loneliness and grief, but also the performance of a deeper awareness of the suffering spirit and enterprising, representing the most symbolic gesture and cultural psychology of these intellectuals in the transitional era.
领 域: [文学]