机构地区: 广东商学院法学院
出 处: 《广东商学院学报》 2000年第1期91-96,共6页
摘 要: EDI合同是一种其他形式的合同 ,不宜将其归入书面形式 ,但应肯定其法律效力 ;立法应肯定电子签名与传统的签名、盖章具有同等的法律效力 ;EDI合同的订立虽系通过计算机按既定程序来完成 ,但无需通过从法律上赋予计算拟制人格来确定其有效性 ,而应通过将对计算机拥有最后支配权的人视为由其同意发出要约和承诺从而肯定其有效性 ;对合同订立中要约能否撤回、撤销及承诺能否撤回的问题应由当事人约定解决 ,无约定的 ,应按事实上不可撤回或撤销处理。 EDI contract is special and not written one, but it is valid. Concerned law should be established to ensure that electronic signature is as valid as traditional signature and seal. Although EDI contract is made through fixed program, it is unnecessary to give lawfully the computer persona ficta to make the EDI contract valid, and it will be valid if the computer 's final owner agrees that it is his offer and acceptio. Whether the offer and acceptio can be withdrawn or not,they must be agreed;if not, the offer and acceptio cannot actually be withdrawn .The time and place of offer and acceptio should be determined according to received letter of acceptance.