机构地区: 广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院
出 处: 《城市规划学刊》 2013年第A01期114-119,共6页
摘 要: 居住社区是城市重要的碳排放单元,挖掘规划手段与策略对减少居住社区碳排放的影响对于低碳城市发展有重要意义。以广州为例,基于大样本居住社区碳排放调查与计量.研究城市规划对居住社区碳排放的影响,并通过建立规划碳排放的数量模型设计碳排放评估预测软件工具。 Residential communities are the basic units of carbon emissions in cit- ies thereby exploring the influences of urban planning strategy on carbon emis- sions of communities is of great importance to low carbon city development. This paper took Guangzhou as an example, conducted a large sample investigation and measurement in residential communities, studied the influences of urban planning on carbon emissions of communities, and designed software to anticipant carbon emissions of residential communities in Guangzhou.
领 域: [建筑科学]