机构地区: 华南理工大学自动化科学与工程学院安全科学与工程研究所
出 处: 《安全与环境学报》 2013年第3期207-212,共6页
摘 要: 为提高化工园区安全生产工作的有效性,从本质安全策略、风险控制策略、制度与文化策略3个层次构建了化工园区安全保障体系,详细阐述了体系中每个层次的核心要素和关键技术。其中,本质安全策略包括安全生产布局优化、产业链优选和安全容量控制3项关键技术,风险控制策略包括重大工业事故隐患辨识与控制、多米诺效应事故风险分析与控制、安全生产预警和安全生产应急救援4项关键技术,制度与文化策略包括安全生产主体责任制度与安全文化建设2方面内容。体系综合了近年来化工园区安全管理与技术方面的研究成果。 This paper is inclined to introduce and synthesize some new ideas and research results about safety control and secure engineering technology in running chemical industrial parks.As is well known,chemical industrial parks involve more safety and security problems for their own particular nature.Yet,there is still shortage of a systematic framework and comprehensive measures to ensure their regular production practice.To meet the actual need,we would like to bring forward a set of safety production and management warranty including three strategies.The first one deals with a set of inherent safety-ensuring strategies through eliminating or getting rid of likely hazards to prevent likely accidents.In our suggested framework,the inherent safety strategy is supposed to include three key techniques,i.e.optimized layout of management goals,idealistic chain of their industrial products and safety and security controlling power.As a rule,the operating goals should be oriented to guide the stage of designing a new chemical industrial park or the stage of introducing a new chemical plant to a well managed chemical park so that the park is always in a position to keep on its successful production and implement the most effective measures for accident prevention.The second strategy of the framework is to make sure successful risk control with the so-called four key techniques thoroughly carried out,i.e.identifying and recognizing hidden hazards,analyzing and controlling Domino effect accidents,early-warning and always aware of community emergencies.The said risk control strategy should be oriented to decrease the accident frequency or alleviating the accident detrimental influence.PDCA is needed for this strategy to heighten the safety control rate of the chemical industrial parks.And,now,the last strategy is to establish necessary institutions and cultivate safety culture.There exists a vast need for the chemical industrial parks to ask for the managers and workers to display their respective professional roles in safety pr
关 键 词: 安全管理工程 化工园区 安全保障体系 本质安全 风险控制
领 域: [环境科学与工程]