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Experiments of Tomato Plantlet Flowering and Fructification in Space and Simulated Microgravity Environments

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国空间技术研究院

出  处: 《航天医学与医学工程》 2013年第3期239-242,共4页

摘  要: 目的实现番茄试管苗在空间环境下开花结实,并比较空间环境和模拟微重力环境对番茄开花结实的影响。方法通过"神舟"8号飞船搭载和三维回转仪分别进行空间环境和模拟微重力环境的番茄开花结实实验,比较番茄结果率、果实大小、形状、颜色以及植株高度的差别。结果空间环境和模拟微重力环境下番茄试管苗都完成了开花结实的发育过程,且结果率、果实大小、形状、颜色以及植株高度都与地面对照差异不显著。结论高等植物可以在空间环境下完成开花结实的生殖生长过程。在特殊条件下,重力并非植物生殖生长的必要条件。 Objective To realize the flowering and fructification of tomato in space and compare the inlluences of space and simulated microgravity on it. Methods Experiments were completed on the spaceflight of Shenzhou 8 spacecraft and in microgravity environment simulated with rotation of three dimensional (3-D) clinostat. The differences of fruit bearing, fruit size, fruit shape, fruit color and the plant height were compared. Results Tomato plantlets flowered and born fruits in both space and simulated mierogravity environments. Compared to the ground control, no significant differences on the percentage of fruit bearing, fruit size, fruit shape, fruit color and the plant height were found. Conclusion Higher plants can complete the development process of flowering and fructification in space. Gravity is not the necessary condition for the plant reproduction under .qame environmant.

关 键 词: 空间环境 模拟微重力 番茄试管苗 开花 结实

领  域: [生物学]


作者 汪国平
作者 林明宝
作者 张俊竹
作者 覃志豪


机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学园艺学院蔬菜学系
机构 顺德职业技术学院艺术设计系


作者 丁培强
作者 徐松林
作者 徐枫
作者 陈光慧
作者 孙有发