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Genotypic Differences in Tolerance and Accumulation to Cd among Summer-sowing Soybean Varieties in South China

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学农学院

出  处: 《大豆科学》 2013年第3期336-340,共5页

摘  要: 通过污染土壤盆栽对11个华南地区主栽的夏大豆品种在夏播条件下镉(Cd)耐性和籽粒Cd积累的差异进行了比较。结果表明:在Cd处理条件下11个大豆品种的生物量和籽粒干重均比对照有不同程度下降,且品种间差异显著,综合考虑相对生物量和籽粒干重指标,桂夏豆2号、巴西3号是耐性品种,华夏3号、桂M32、巴西15、桂早1号和埂青82是中等耐性品种,而巴西10号、福豆234、华夏4号和中黄24是敏感品种。同时发现在Cd处理条件下品种间籽粒Cd浓度存在显著性差异,其中华夏3号、桂M32籽粒浓度较低,而中黄24籽粒Cd浓度最高。相关分析发现,籽粒Cd浓度与籽粒、地上部(籽粒除外)和根的相对干重的相关性不显著,而与地上部(籽粒除外)Cd浓度显著正相关,表明籽粒Cd积累与Cd耐性是由各自独立的遗传机制控制。 A pot experiment was conducted to explore the tolerance and accumulation to Cd in 11 soybean varieties of South Chi- na. The biomass and yield of 11 soybeans varieties at high concentration of Cd treatments decreased significantly than control. Based on relative biomass and relative dry seed weight, Guixiadou 2, Brazil 3 varieties were tolerant varieties, and Huaxia 3, Gui M32, Brazil 15, Guizao 1 and Gengqing 82 were medium,while Zhonghuang 24, Brazil 10, Fudou 234 and Huaxia 4 were sensitive varieties. Significant genotypic differences in seed cadmium levels were found. The seed cadmium concentration was lowest in Huaxia 3 and Gui M32, and highest in Zhonghuang 24. Correlation analysis revealed that seed Cd concentration was significantly correlated with aerial part Cd concentration,but no significantly correlated with relative dry seed weight, relative aerial part dry weight and root dry weight. The results indicated that breeding soybean varieties with cadmium tolerance and low-cadmium accu- mulation in seed was possible.

关 键 词: 华南 夏播大豆 镉耐性 镉积累

领  域: [农业科学]




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