机构地区: 湖南师范大学资源与环境科学学院
出 处: 《自然灾害学报》 2013年第3期265-274,共10页
摘 要: 对澧南垸堤防工程状况的分析表明,此项工程的现状不容乐观。堤防工程风险分析对于防洪规划的制订、堤防工程建设和除险加固及防汛抢险有着重要的意义。建立了包括漫顶风险、边坡失稳风险和渗透变形风险在内的综合风险分析模型。选取了刘家河-港口河段为典型堤段,应用所建堤防工程综合风险分析模型,计算了其综合风险。其结果表明:漫顶风险率为5.41%,渗透变形风险率为2.086%,边坡失稳风险率为0.338%。因此,其综合风险率为7.834%。 Analysis of Linan polder dike engineering shows that situation of the Linan dike project is not optimistic. Dike engineering risk analysis is of great significance for flood control planning enactment, dike construction and strengthening, and flood control and wrecking. Thus an analysis model of comprehensive risk, including overtopping risk, slope instability risk and seepage risk, was established, and was used calculate the comprehensive risk of a typical example of the Liujiahe to Gangkouhe section of Linan polder. Results show that the overtopping risk rate is 5. 41% , seepage risk rate is 2. 086% , and slope instability risk rate is 0. 338%. Therefore, the comprehensive risk rate of the section is 7. 834%.
领 域: [水利工程]