机构地区: 广州市住宅建筑设计院有限公司广州510623
出 处: 《土工基础》 2013年第3期47-49,共3页
摘 要: 桩筏基础设计中,通常只考虑桩承担上部荷载,而不考虑承台底土体的承载作用。在复合桩基理论基础上提出考虑桩与土体共同作用的计算方法,能充分发挥桩间土体的承载力,减少桩数,在复杂地质条件下使用,经济效益显著。 In the conventional design approach of the piled raft foundation, the structural loads are completely carried by the piles and the contribution of the bearing capacity by the soils is usually ignored. The new approach considers the soil bearing resistance and leads to the reduction of the number of piles. It has an obvious cost advantage.