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Some Perspectives of Cascade Electricity Bill Plan for Urban Residents

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 浙江大学

出  处: 《能源研究与管理》 2013年第2期60-62,共3页

摘  要: 通过对浙江省居民生活用电现状和居民生活用电阶梯电价实施方案的分析,从4个方面对现有居民生活用电阶梯电价实施方案提出质疑。认为推行居民阶梯电价可以传递鼓励理性消费的价格信号,合理的居民用电阶梯电价方案应最大程度体现社会公平和能源效率,关注城乡用电水平和用电结构差异,相邻省份的区域平衡和经济社会发展的动态调整。 With the knowledge of current status of urban resident electricity consumption in Zhejiang province, the corresponding cascade electricity bill plan is analyzed in the paper. Some inquires about the executive implements for this policy is discussed in four different aspects consequently. One important perspective could be deduced from such payment method by delivering a prize signal of encouragement for reasonable consumption. In addition to improve the energy efficiency of whole society, the cascade electricity bill plan could also be expressed in a positive way to social equity. Regarding the varieties of electricity consumption level and composition from urban to country side, not only the territory balance of neighbor provinces should be considered very carefully, but the development of total economy and society should be adjusted appropriately in a dynamic mode

关 键 词: 阶梯电价 居民生活用电 节能减排

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 陈小黎
作者 伍亚
作者 吴立军
作者 李智良
作者 刘冬梅


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东白云学院外语系
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 中山大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟