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Implications of radionuclide removing to environment in cattle raised near U mine area

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 广州师范学院应用化学研究所

出  处: 《中国环境科学》 2000年第5期465-468,共4页

摘  要: 对武夷火山岩铀成矿带的570和6722矿附近生长的牛的肝、肺、肌肉和骨骼等组织中的放射性核素以及牛生长区的土壤、饮用水、牧草等样品的放射性强度进行了测定.结果表明,两矿区土壤的放射性平均强度相当,具有近似放射性地质本底条件,而570矿区的饮用水以及生长在该区的牛的组织中放射性核素的含量比6722矿区的高.226Ra和210Pb在肝、肺等组织中明显富集.在铀矿床的勘探开采过程中,核素主要通过氡气和核素含量高的粉尘,通过风介质在空气中扩散迁移而导致周围形成辐射污染;放射性核素溶解在矿坑废水或被雨水冲刷淋滤,通过径流扩散而形成辐射污染. This study was conducted to determine radionuclide levels in muscle, liver,lung and bone tissue of cattles raised near No.570 and No.6722 mine areas and also in water, grass and soil samples collected from the cattle's grassing areas. The results showed that the average radiation strengths in soil samples from two mining areas were almost the same, implying their similar radioctive geological background; while contents of radionuclides in drink water and cattle tissues in No.570 mining area were higher than in No.6722 mining area. Liver and lung tissues were particularly elevated in 226Ra and 210Pb. In the process of prospecting and mining, environment was polluted by radionuclides through two ways: the dust rich in radon and radionuclide were spreaded to environment by wind; and the radionuclide were diffused to environment by run off through dissolving in mining tunnel wastewater or percolating in rainfall.

关 键 词: 铀矿区 核素迁移 牛组织 辐射污染 放射性物质

领  域: [环境科学与工程]


作者 徐锦堂


机构 华南师范大学法学院


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