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Removal of fluorine from drinking water by enhanced coagulation

作  者: ; ; (薛永强); (谭铭卓);

机构地区: 暨南大学理工学院环境工程系

出  处: 《暨南大学学报(自然科学与医学版)》 2013年第3期306-310,共5页

摘  要: 以硫酸铝和氯化铁作混凝剂,通过强化混凝对模拟地下水中的氟化物的去除进行了研究,对比了铝铁盐的混凝沉淀除氟效果,考察了硫酸铝混凝剂投加量、水的pH值、浊度、水中共存离子和原水中氟化物初试质量浓度等因素对硫酸铝除氟效果的影响.结果表明,硫酸铝的除氟效果优于氯化铁,混凝剂的投加量和水的pH值是影响硫酸铝混凝沉淀除氟的重要因素,当水的pH≈5.8时,硫酸铝混凝除氟效果最好;高岭土增浊对硫酸铝除氟的效果影响不明显;水中共存离子HCO3-的引入使得除氟效果变差,而SO24-和Cl-的干扰则较小.此外,对硫酸铝混凝沉淀除氟的机理进行了初探. Aluminum sulfate and ferric chloride as the coagulant, the effect of factors (coagulant dos- age, pH value, turbidity, interfering ions and the initial concentration of fluoride) on the removal of flu- oride in the simulation of groundwater using aluminum sulfate was investigated by the method of enhanced coagulation. The results show that the effect on removing fluorine using aluminum sulfate is better than ferric chloride, coagulant dosage and pH value are very two essential factors for the removal of fluoride u- sing aluminum sulfate, especially when the pH value is about 5.8 ; The effect of the removal of fluoride using'aluminum sulfate is not evident as the turbidity increases by the cause of kaolin : the effect of fluor- ide removal is worsen with the introduction of HCO3- , while SOl- and Cl- disturbances are relatively small; Additionally, the preliminary study on coagulation defluoridation mechanism using aluminum sul- fate is performed.

关 键 词: 混凝沉淀 地下水 除氟 硫酸铝 氯化铁 饮用水

领  域: [环境科学与工程] [建筑科学]




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