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A Restoration Strategy for A Local Power System Considering Critical Load Pickup

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; (薛禹胜);

机构地区: 浙江大学电气工程学院

出  处: 《电力系统自动化》 2013年第12期31-37,共7页

摘  要: 与全系统大停电事故相比,局部电力系统停电事故发生得更为频繁。现有的研究大多集中于整个电力系统发生停电后的系统恢复问题,而对局部电力系统恢复问题的研究则相对较少。在此背景下,文中提出了考虑重要负荷恢复的局部电力系统恢复策略。考虑到局部电力系统恢复的特点,首先根据局部停电区域的网络拓扑生成恢复路径集,之后对线路过电压和不必要的恢复路径进行判断和筛选,最后在考虑系统非停电区域的传输能力约束和停电区域内部的负荷特性基础上,对局部停电区域恢复的子系统进行划分并对恢复路径进行优化,最终建立了相应的局部电力系统恢复的优化模型。与现有方法一般需要对线路和节点赋予权重不同,所提出的恢复策略基于客观信息,因而可以得到更为合理的优化结果。最后,采用修改的新英格兰系统对所提出的方法进行了验证。 Local outages in a power system are more likely to occur compared with a system wide blackout. However, most existing research is focused on developing restoration strategies for a global blackout in a power system, and less attention has been paid to local power system restoration which occurs more frequently. Given this background, a local power system restoration strategy considering critical load pickups is presented. Firstly, the characteristics of local power system restoration are discussed, and restoration paths are generated based on the topology of the outage area. Secondly, the restoration paths causing over-voltage problems as well as the unnecessary paths are removed. Then, an optimization model is developed for determining restoration subsystems and restoration paths. Compared with most of the existing methods in which subjective weights are required for the lines and buses to be restored, the proposed method can attain more reasonable restoration strategies. Finally, the modified New England system is employed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed method.

关 键 词: 电力系统 局部停电区域恢复 并行恢复 恢复子系统划分 冷负荷恢复

领  域: [电气工程]


作者 杜帅字
作者 李聪
作者 卢文刚
作者 冷志杰


机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南农业大学
机构 广东工业大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院
机构 福建省电力有限公司


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作者 刘洋
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