机构地区: 浙江工商大学工商管理学院
出 处: 《科研管理》 2013年第6期25-33,共9页
摘 要: 本研究开发了一套针对创新政策中利益相关者分析的政策量化方法与工具,以京、沪、浙、粤与苏五地区域创新政策为样本开展了量化分析。研究结果显示,五区域创新政策中利益相关者分布结构呈多样化、完备化的特点,其核心利益相关者为股东、竞争者;五区域政策中,利益相关者在"利益-权力"结构上表现出利益与权力的普遍不对称,重利益轻权力现象显著;基于分布结构与内容结构的聚类分析结果与以往理论成果的进一步对比显示,多数利益相关者群体存在政策体现与理论预期的不契合。区域间量化结果对比为区域创新政策趋同化的论断提供了支持。 A set of innovation policy quantitative methods and tools for analyzing stakeholders in innovation policy is developed, and then the methods and tools are put into practice for quantitatively analyzing the regional innovation policies of Beijing, Shang-hai, Zhejiang, Guangdong, and Jiangsu, and several results are obtained as follows: Firstly, the distribution structure of stake-holders of innovation policies in these five regions is diversified and comprehensive, and the main bodies are shareholders and competitors. Secondly, the interest - power structure of stakeholders presents a universally unsymmetrical, and the regional inno-vation policy attaches more importance to interest rather than power significantly. Thirdly, based on the results of duster analysis of distribution structure and content structure, some gaps between the presence of regional innovation policy and theoretical expec-tation are found. Finally, the contrast between the regional innovation policy quantitative results provides a supports for the thesis of regional innovation policy assimilation from stakeholder perspective.
关 键 词: 区域创新政策 利益相关者 分布结构 利益 权力 结构
领 域: [经济管理]