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Establishment of Cooling Mathematical Model and Analysis of Influence Factors for Refrigerated Trucks

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中南大学交通运输工程学院

出  处: 《农业机械学报》 2013年第6期175-182,共8页

摘  要: 基于动态热平衡理论,建立了冷藏车厢内温度随时间变化的降温数学模型,并对所建模型进行了相应的试验验证,进而分析了冷藏运输过程中相关参数对降温性能的影响。研究结果表明:冷藏车厢制冷降温过程中,车厢内的温度随时间的变化呈指数规律下降;车厢体隔热材料厚度减小、制冷机组制冷量减小,或车厢体隔热材料热导率增大、车厢外表面对太阳辐射的吸收系数增大、车速加大、车厢漏气倍数增大、货物呼吸热增大等均会导致车厢内降温所需时间延长,反之,车厢内降温所需时间将缩短,且以车厢体隔热材料的热导率、制冷机组制冷量、运输货物产生的呼吸热对冷藏车降温所需时间影响最大;当车厢体隔热材料热导率每增加0.001 W/(m.K)时,等同需要将车厢体隔热材料增加5 mm厚度;当车速在0~40 km/h内任意车速条件下行驶时,降温所需时间变化不大,而当车速在40~80 km/h范围内不同车速条件下行驶时,随着车速的提高降温所需时间将明显延长;车厢内空气流速对车厢内空气的降温快慢几乎没有影响。 In order to improve and enhance the cooling performance of the refrigerated trucks, a mathematical model of cooling process was established in a refrigerated compartment based on dynamic thermal equilibrium theory, by considering heat transfer of the external sol-air temperature through the compartment structure, air and water vapor leakage, and respiratory heat of goods within the refrigerated compartment. The correctness of mathematical model was proved by test. The test results showed that the air temperature decreased exponentially with time during the cooling process of air in refrigerated compartment. The cooling time increased when the thickness of compartment insulation material or cooling capacity of refrigeration system was reduced, or the thermal conductivity of compartment insulation material, solar radiation absorption coefficient of the compartment external surface, vehicle speed, leakage ratio of the compartment, respiratory heat of goods were increased. On the contrary, cooling time would decrease. The thermal conductivity of compartment insulation material, cooling capacity of refrigeration system, and respiratory heat of goods were thought to be the most influential factors. Besides, when the thermal conductivity increased 0.001 W/( m· K), the thickness ofcompartment insulation material would be required to increase 5 mm on the insulation capacity. The cooling time kept basically unchanged when vehicle speed in the range of 0 - 40 km/h. However, the cooling time would be significantly extended along with the vehicle speed increase in the range of 40 ~ 80 km/h. The cooling time was not influenced by the air velocity within refrigerated compartment.

关 键 词: 冷藏车厢 降温性能 影响因素 数学模型

领  域: [机械工程] [交通运输工程] [交通运输工程]


作者 陈梓睿
作者 文芳
作者 黄栋超
作者 邓又华
作者 蒋训林


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


作者 黄晓宇
作者 董俊武
作者 刘佳宁
作者 石宝雅
作者 陆作生