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Effect of CuBi2O4 Doping on the Dielectric Properties of BNBCT Ceramics

作  者: ; ; ; (周枚锦);

机构地区: 广东工程职业技术学院

出  处: 《安徽电子信息职业技术学院学报》 2013年第3期15-17,共3页

摘  要: 采用氧化铋、碳酸钠、氧化钛、钛酸钡、碳酸钙为原料,制备了二元体系BNBCT陶瓷。研究了CuBi2O4掺杂对BNBCT系陶瓷的介电性能和容温变化率的影响。结果发现,随着CuBi2O4加入量的增加,体系的损耗不断降低,并在3.6wt%CuBi2O4添加量下,制得了在-55℃~250℃的宽温范围内,容温变化率都在±15%以内的耐高温MLCC。 Samples of BNBCT Ceramics were prepared using Bi2O3,Na2CO3,TiO2,BaTiO3 and CaCO3 as raw materials.The dielectric properties and the curves of the dielectric constant and dielectric loss to temperature of the samples were investigated.Obtained results show that the dielectric losses are decreased with the increase of additive amount of CuBi2O4.When additive amount of CuBi2O4 is 3.6wt%,we synthesize high-temperature MLCC(-55℃~250℃,△C/C25℃≤±15%).

关 键 词: 铋酸铜 介电常数 介质损耗 容温变化率

领  域: [电子电信]




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