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Closed-Loop Control System of TSMC-PMSM Based on Composite Controller

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 哈尔滨工业大学电气工程及自动化学院

出  处: 《电源学报》 2013年第3期1-4,12,共5页

摘  要: TSMC-PMSM系统是非线性、多变量、强耦合系统,众多因素会对系统的输出性能产生影响,设计系统的闭环控制是抑制扰动的有效方法。设计了基于开关—模糊—PI复合控制器的TSMC-PMSM闭环系统速度控制器,通过误差绝对值所处的范围,选择三种不同控制方式。当误差绝对值较大时,采用开关控制方式;当误差绝对值处于中等大小时,为了防止系统发生超调,采用模糊控制;当误差绝对值较小时,由于模糊控制很难消除稳态误差,选用PI控制。最后通过仿真分析验证了所采用控制器的有效性。 TSMC-PMSM system is a kind of nonlinear, muhivariable, strongly coupling system, and many factors will affect output performance of the system. The closed-loop control system is an effective way to suppress disturbance. A novel closed-loop system speed controller for TSMC-PMSM was designed based on the switch-fuzzy-PI compound controller. According to the range of the absolute value of error, three different control modes were chosen. When the absolute value of error is larger, switching control is utilized; when the absolute value of error is medium size, we would choose fuzzy control in order to prevent the system overshoot; because it is difficult for fuzzy control to eliminate steady-state error with a smaller error absolute value, in this case, PI control is the first choice. Finally, the simulation confirms the controller proposed is feasible.

关 键 词: 复合控制 模糊控制

领  域: [电气工程]




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