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A Novel Litchi Germplasm (Litchi chinensis Sonn.), Yujinqiu, Indentified by EST-SSR and SNP Analysis

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (李永忠); (吴绪波); (周东辉);

机构地区: 农业部南亚热带果树生物学与遗传资源利用重点实验室

出  处: 《分子植物育种》 2013年第3期403-414,共12页

摘  要: 本研究利用自主开发的荔枝SNP和EST—SSR两种分子标记技术,对近年发掘的荔枝优稀种质御金球进行分子鉴定,明确其与现有的363份荔枝种质的亲缘关系,以探索其是否为新种质,并揭示亲本来源,为进行新品种保护提供分子证据。结果表明,13对EST—SSR引物在364份种质中共产生122条谱带,其中多态性条带112条(91.8%);筛选出的17对SNP引物均表现为二等位性。御金球与363份荔枝种质的演化分化系数介于0.043~1.924之间,遗传相似性系数介于0.123—0.877之间。可见,御金球与现有的363份荔枝种质在分子水平上存在差异,证实御金球为一份全新荔枝种质。通过对该种质与22份疑似亲本进行EST—SSR和SNP分析,并结合表型资料及品种起源信息,初步认为御金球是杂交后代,且母本为糯米糍,父本为焦核怀枝的可能性最大。SNP分型技术首次成功地用于荔枝新种质御金球的亲本来源鉴定,为今后荔枝种质的鉴别提供了可借鉴手段。 Yujinqiu (Litchi chinensis Sonn.), a landrace of Lichee discovered in Zhuhai city, Guangdong province, on the end of the 20th century which is a good and rare litchi germplasm with excellent characteristics. This study was to reveal genetic relationship between Yujinqiu and existing 363 litchi accessions, to determine whether Yujinqiu is a novel litchi germplasm and to clarify the possible parentage via morphological characters and molecular markers including expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeat (EST-SSR) and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). A total of 13 EST-SSR primers were selected, generating 122 fragments, of which 112 (91.8%) were polymorphic. All of 17 SNP markers screened had only two alleles. The genetic similarity coefficient between Yujinqiu and other germplasms was in range from 0.123 to 0.877 by NTSYSpc 2.1 analysis, while the evolutionary differentiation coefficient was in range from 0.043 to 1.924 using MEGA 5.0. Yujinqiu was different from the existing 363 accessions of litchi germplasm at molecular level, therefore Yujinqiu could be reconganizedas a novel lichee germplasm thatshould be recommended to be protected in germplasm conservation. Furthermore, the 22 suspected parents of Yujinqiu were employed to be identified by EST-SSR and SN-P analysis combined with phenotypic data and information about the origin of germplasms, we confirmed Yujinqiu was a hybrid offspring and speculated that the mostly possible maternal parent might be Nuomici and the paternal parent might be Jiaohehuaizhi as well. SNP genotyping technology was firstly successful employed in identification parental origin of a novel litchi germplam, Yujinqiu, which would provide a reference means for litchi germplasm identi- fication in the future.

关 键 词: 荔枝 新种质 分子鉴定

领  域: [农业科学]


作者 唐雯珊
作者 梁华思
作者 杜珏
作者 张丽阳
作者 汪聪


机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
机构 华南农业大学
机构 中山大学新华学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 仲恺农业工程学院


作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 丁培强
作者 吴肖林