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Impact of impervious surface expansion on urban runoff in Shenzhen City

作  者: ; (曾祥坤);

机构地区: 中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所

出  处: 《水资源保护》 2013年第3期44-50,共7页

摘  要: 以深圳市为研究区,综合遥感技术和L-THIA模型,改进模拟所需的地表覆被参数,模拟不透水表面扩展对城区径流量的影响。结果表明:深圳市不透水表面百分比在15 a间扩展非常快,从1990年的26.5%扩展至2005年的49.3%,扩大了1.9倍;导致2005年日径流量比1990年在小雨情景时增长了136.2%,中雨时增长了83.7%,大雨时增长了59.5%,暴雨时增长了40.8%;导致2005年比起1990年,丰水年的年径流量增加了43.35%,枯水年的年径流量增加了54.85%。小雨情景中受不透水表面扩展的影响大于暴雨情景,枯水年受不透水表面扩展的影响大于丰水年。从空间分布上看,径流深大的地区不透水程度高,径流深值较大区域为城市核心区,需要注意防洪和排涝。应用L-THIA模型模拟快速城市化、无水文监测资料地区的不透水表面扩展导致的径流量变化,可取得良好效果,模拟结果可为城市洪涝灾害规划等提供依据。 The remote sensing technology and the L-THIA model were used to simulate the impact of impervious surface expansion on urban runoff in Shenzhen City. The results show that the impervious surface in Shenzhen City expanded rapidly from 1990 to 2005. It expanded by 1.9 times, from 26.5% in 1990 to 49.3% in 2005. This led to daily runoff increases of 136.2% in the low rainfall scenario, 83.7% in the moderate rainfall scenario, 59.5% in the high rainfall scenario, and only 40. 8% in the storm scenario, and caused annual runoff increases of 43.35% and 54. 85% in wet and dry years, respectively, in 2005 than in 1990. The impervious surface expansion had a more significant impact on the low rainfall scenario than on the high rainfall scenario, and on dry years than on wet years. In regard to spatial distribution, evident impelwiousness was found in the regions with a larger depth of runoff. These regions are the core of the city, and we need to focus on flood control and drainage in these regions. The L-THIA model used for simulation of runoff change caused by impervious surface expansion in rapidly urbanized cities and ungaged regions can produce reasonable results, which can provide a basis for strategic decisions in controlling urban water logging and flood hazards.

关 键 词: 不透水表面 降雨曲线 径流量模拟 深圳市

领  域: [天文地球] [水利工程] [天文地球]



机构 广东科贸职业学院


作者 徐锦堂
作者 张祖荣
作者 曲进
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