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Recipient site selection and hermatypic corals' survival rate in Daya Bay,China

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学院南海海洋研究所海洋生物资源可持续利用重点实验室

出  处: 《应用海洋学学报》 2013年第2期243-249,共7页

摘  要: 大亚湾是造礁石珊瑚存活的高纬度边缘地带,合适的造礁石珊瑚迁入点对于保障珊瑚移植后的存活至关重要.通过分析候选迁入点的环境因素,使移植珊瑚成活率最大化.对大亚湾11个造礁石珊瑚候选迁入点进行风浪、底质、水质、水深、生长空间、敌害、人为活动强度等多个环境因素逐项分析,筛选出相对最适宜的迁入点并进行珊瑚移植.结果表明:筛选出的适宜迁入点具有硬底质、良好的水质环境、适宜的水深、充足的珊瑚生长空间、无珊瑚病敌害生物及少有人为干扰与风浪破坏等条件;珊瑚移植一年后的存活率为95.2%.较高的存活率反映出科学选择造礁石珊瑚迁入点是保护珊瑚资源的有力举措,为国内外在珊瑚存活的高纬度地带进行珊瑚移植提供一个成功的参考案例.这是首次在高纬度进行珊瑚移植的研究报道. Daya Bay is the marginal high latitude area for hermatypic coral growth. Recipient site selection is the key to success of coral transplantation. The aim of the study was to attain transplantated high coral survival rate at opti mal recipient site in Daya Bay. Environmental factors (wind, wave, substrate, water quality and depth, growth space, natural enemy, anthropogenic activities)in 11 candidate sites were each analyzed. In turn, hermatypic cor als were transplanted into the most optimal site. The result indicates that the coral with survival rate of 95.2% after one year transplantation was attained at the site with following characteristics such as hard substrate on the seafloor, suitable water quality and depth, adequate space for coral growth, rare coral diseases and predators, and less influ ence of anthropogenic activities and strong winds. The high survival rate suggested that the systematical analysis of environmental factors and site selection were essential steps for successful coral transplantation in the marginal sur vival zone. This scheme provided an example for future coral transplantation.

关 键 词: 海洋生物学 珊瑚 移植 迁入点 存活率 大亚湾

领  域: [天文地球] [天文地球]


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