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The Influence of Differentiated Transformational Leadership on Knowledge Sharing and Team Creativity: A Social Network Explanation

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 南京大学商学院

出  处: 《心理学报》 2013年第5期585-598,共14页

摘  要: 差异化变革型领导是团队领导领域的最新议题,现有的研究局限于探讨其社会心理方面的作用机制。本文从社会网络机制出发解释差异化变革型领导对团队知识分享及团队创造力的影响。基于65家企业的225个工作团队样本的结构方程模型分析表明,团队一致性变革型领导正向影响团队交流网络密度从而提高团队知识分享;个体差异性变革型领导正向影响团队成员交流网络密度差异性从而降低团队知识分享;团队知识分享正向影响团队创造力。本文的证据表明,在中国情境下,差异性团队领导行为不利于创造稠密的团队交流网络,以及团队知识分享,从而不利于提升团队创造力水平。 Differentiated transformational leadership is an emerging area in leadership studies. The existing studies on this topic are limited to the traditional social-psychological perspectives. Drawing from the social networkperspective, this study aimed to address the puzzling issue of how differentiated transformational leadership would affect team knowledge sharing and thus team creativity. Specifically, we theorized that team communication network density as a shared team property that would mediate the relationship between team-focused transformational leadership and subsequent team knowledge sharing, and the communication network density divergence among team members as a configural team property that would mediate the relationship between differentiated individual-focused transformational leadership and subsequent team knowledge sharing. We also hypothesized that team knowledge sharing would positively influence team creativity. We collected data from an eastern province of People’s Republic of China. Our targeted firms were high-technology firms accredited by the Ministry of Science and Technology . We randomly selected 102 firms from the whole population of 2,043 government-accredited high-technology firms in the province (i.e., 5%). With the help of local government, 65 firms participated in the survey. All measurement instruments were adapted from well-established scales. We collected transformational leadership, work-related communication network, team knowledge sharing, and team creativity data from team members and the human resource manager at each participating firm. 225 teams in 65 firms provided matched observations and were included in the data analyses. Confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) showed acceptable model fit indices. We also obtained sufficient inter-rated agreement (Rwg) and intra-class correlation (ICC) values to justify the aggregation of shared team-level property, such as team-focused transformational leadership, and team knowledge sharing. We used the structural equati

关 键 词: 差异化变革型领导 团队沟通网络 团队知识分享 团队创造力

领  域: [哲学宗教] [哲学宗教] [经济管理] [社会学]


作者 尤树洋
作者 彭凯
作者 程国梁
作者 李丽
作者 吴玮


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 中山大学


作者 张汉生
作者 刘志光
作者 张鹤鸣
作者 吴芸
作者 骆秀丽