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Composition changes in the fermentation process of enzymatic sufu

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 贵州大学

出  处: 《食品科技》 2013年第5期273-277,共5页

摘  要: 研究了酶促腐乳在后酵成熟过程中的氨基酸态氮、水溶性蛋白、总酸、可溶性无盐固形物、脂肪以及淀粉等的变化规律,分析在后酵阶段添加酶对腐乳成熟情况的影响。结果发现,当每瓶腐乳添加0.4g的风味蛋白酶时,加酶组腐乳中氨基酸态氮和水溶性蛋白比对照组腐乳先达到国家标准,并且一直处于领先优势。另外,加酶组腐乳淀粉分解速度也略高于对照组,从而使得加酶组腐乳的可溶性固形物含量一直较对照组高,脂肪的分解速度与对照组相比无明显区别。感官分析方面,加酶组腐乳在20d已达到成熟腐乳的要求,比对照组腐乳约提前25d。此时,腐乳中水溶性无盐固形物、总酸、水溶性蛋白、氨基酸态氮分别达到7.51、0.575、5.23、0.68g/100g。研究进一步说明了加酶后酵能促进腐乳成熟,进而缩短腐乳生产周期。 The changes of amino acid nitrogen,water-soluble protein,total acid,watersoluble saltless solid,crude fat and starch of the sufu during maturation were studied so as to evaluate the impact of the maturation of sufu by adding flavourzyme in the fermentation process.The results indicted that when every bottle of sufu was added 0.4 g flavourzyme,compared with traditional sufu,the amino acid nitrogen,and water-soluble protein of enzymatic sufu were the first to reach the national standard and leaded in the first stage in the whole fermentation process.In addition,the degradation speed of starch of enzymatic sufu was slightly faster than traditional sufu,which made the content water-soluble saltless solid of enzymatic sufu lead in the first stage,while the degradation speed of crude fat was almost the same.As for sensory analysis,enzymatic sufu basically reached the requirements of maturation in about 20 d,and was 25 d earlier than traditional sufu.At that moment,watersoluble saltless solid,total acid,water-soluble protein and the amino acid nitrogen reached 7.51,0.575,5.23,0.68 g/100 g.The study further illustrated that fermentation by adding enzyme can promote sufu maturation and then shorten the production cycle.

关 键 词: 腐乳 后酵 酶促 成分分析

领  域: [生物学]




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