机构地区: 云南农业大学
出 处: 《灌溉排水学报》 2013年第2期122-124,共3页
摘 要: 根据2010—2011年田间试验资料,应用实测法测算马铃薯作物系数,并对FAO推荐的作物系数按气象因子和株高2个主要影响因素修订。结果表明,低纬高原山区冬马铃薯全生育期的作物需水量为172.9mm,马铃薯在初始生长期、生育中期和成熟期的实测作物系数分别为0.3、1.06和0.72,其中发棵期—结署期的作物系数最大。实测法适用于低纬高原山区作物需水量及作物系数的测算。 According to the field data from 2010 to 2011, crop coefficients were measured and crop coefficients recommended by FAO were amended by meteorological factors and plant height. The results indicated that the winter potato crop water requirement in Yunnan low latitude plateau mountainous area during the whole growth period was 172.9 mm. The potato coefficients in the initial phase, birth period and mature period respectively were 0.3, 1.06, 0.72, and the top of crop coefficients appeared in the stage of tillering-potato. Measurement method is more suitable and more precise than other methods in Yunnan low latitude plateau mountainous area.