机构地区: 中山大学
出 处: 《语言文字应用》 2013年第2期99-106,共8页
摘 要: 本文通过选词填空、难度自评及访谈的方式考察汉语二语者对相近义项差异和不同义项差异的习得情况。结果发现,初级水平学习者主要是通过母语或外语对译词来建立近义语义关系的,他们基本未习得这两类近义词差异;到了中级水平阶段,学习者对两类差异的习得成绩均有显著提高,特别是对不同义项差异的习得有较大幅度的提升。进入高级阶段后,学习者对两类差异已基本习得。实验结果说明,汉语二语学习者起初可能是以词条为单位构建近义语义关系的,随着语言水平的提高,学习者才逐步建立起以义项为单位的近义语义关系。 Using multiple-choice tests, self-assessment of learning difficulty and interviews, the study aims to explore how Chinese as a second language (CSL) learners differentiate between the various meanings of Chinese near-synonyms. The results showed that CSL learners at the primary stage could not distinguish the differences of similar senses or dissimilar senses. At the intermediate stage, learners improved in their ability to distinguish the differences in similar senses as well as dissimilar senses. However, students acquired dissimilar senses better than similar senses. At the advanced stage, learners performed well on both. The findings indicated that the near-synonymous construction pattern in the internal lexicon goes through a dynamic changing process from word-based connection to word-sense-based connection.
关 键 词: 近义词 相近义项 不同义项 汉语水平 心理词典
领 域: [语言文字]